Freedom of the Hills

Freedom of the Hills
Rainier 2009

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm alive.

Today is a day I will NEVER forget! The sea had me in her grips and I somehow managed to break free. I must have had a guardian angel standing by. As most of you know I've been visiting this cliff jump in Newport for the past month or so and since the weather was nice today we decided to head there. On the hike out, we noticed how turbulent the waves were; huge 8 foot swells. When we got to the cliff it was obvious that we weren't going to jump. I looked at my friend Jason and said "Now way, man, not happening today". Then, as I stood at the edge looking down something inside convinced me that there was enough time in between swells that I could get in and out before the next I jumped. I made it to the ledge just as the biggest swell of the day smashed me into the rocks! Then the suction swept me under and back out to sea. I thought "this is it, this is how I die". Then, as I looked up at my friends yelling "I NEED HELP, SOMEONE HELP ME!" Jason points along the cliffs as to say swim along the coast. So I did and after getting smashed a few more times I made it to the point where I got on a ledge long enough for my buddy Clay to pull me out. I hugged those guys for a good minute and then proceeded to check my wounds. Nothing major, just some deep bruises and cuts from the barnacles. Needless to say, I will never do that again. I am soo grateful for my friends and for being alive today. Check out these pics. They paint the picture pretty well. (Oh yeah, our friend Juliet was taking pictures the entire time. Kinda glad she did, even though it was a pretty serious situation.)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'll miss my pup, :---(.

My childhood pup passed away last Friday after a very long life. Her name was Katie and she was an Australian Sheppard. She lived to be 17 years old. She was sooo smart and loving. All she wanted was our approval. We kind of knew it was coming. Towards the end she starting staying outside and wouldn't eat or drink. Of course I wish I had made it home to say goodbye, but I know that she knew I loved her. So many great memories; I find comfort in the fact that she isn't suffering anymore. I'll miss you puppers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Andrea Visits Again :o)!

Andrea visited me this weekend. I hadn't seen her in over a month and it turned out to be an amazing visit! We stayed in nice little B&B called the Ivy Lodge. The weather was amazing, the plants were vibrant, the birds were singing. We had an amazing weekend together. Being apart is really tough, but it makes things new again. It just makes me realize all of the reasons why we fell in love in the first place. Knowing that we will always be there for each other, no matter what is the greatest feeling in the world and I wish it for everyone. Here are some pictures.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Seasick in a Simulator

I'm getting alot of amazing training out here in Newport. American's should know that their tax dollars are being well spent on preparing our Navy for any potential conflicts. Our simulators are so realistic that I actually got seasick yesterday and we weren't even moving! I wish I could show you guys the simulator. Maybe when we get back to San Diego I'll set something up. Andrea will be here tonight and I can't wait! I haven't seen her in over a month, but I can't complain. It's the life we chose to lead. Great pictures from the Bachelor Party, Neil. Can't wait for the next one. I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. See you guys in a couple weeks for Memorial Day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Mustache Saved is a Mustache Earned!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'd like you to take a look at exhibit A. I was walking past the mirror yesterday and I caught my reflection in the mirror. That God Damn mustache is gorgeous! The more I fight it the more it calls to me. Oh mustache, I won't ever get rid of you. You are here to stay (at least until Andrea makes me shave you). Enjoy the pictures and try not to cry from their beauty. Until next time....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

La Mustache Finis!

The longer I have this mustache the more I realize how much Mustache-rs (those that wear mustaches) are discriminated against. Especially with the kind of mustaches we are allowed to wear in the Navy. If I could grow one like Neil there would be no issues. People look at me with disgust. Some of the many adjectives that have been used to describe my mustache are "creepy, gross, child molester, repulsive." I can't stand it any longer, so today I will be shaving the 'stache. I will have to find something else to blog about. Hope everyone is well.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

OCM Day 3

People are starting to notice my mustache and I am having second thoughts about how long I can keep this going. I know how creepy it looks. If I can go two years without front teeth I think I can go a month with a creepy mustached. Feel free to comment on the creepiness.